Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Interview with Vicky Staat

Thank you for agreeing to this interview.

It’s my pleasure to sit down and talk with you, Brenda.

1.) Where are you from? Family etc. Tell us about yourself.

I was born in Detroit, Michigan. When I was four we moved to a suburb of the city, Warren. I have three brothers and we were brought up in a lower middle class home. Our parents both worked very hard to keep us all happy and healthy. There wasn’t a lot of money, but then again we didn’t need much, just love and we had that.

I was eighteen years old when I met my husband John. We dated on and off for four years. Funny, the very first night I went out with him, I came home to tell my mother that I was going to marry him. She laughed of course, and it took us four years to make the decision to stay together. And marrying John was the best choice I ever made, because we’ve been married for forty one years come May.

We have a son John, a daughter-in-law Angel and a granddaughter Madison. We lost our daughter Angie nearly nine years ago because of heart issues. She is missed terribly.

The first fifty years of my life was spent taking care of my parents and my husband’s, raising children and taking care of a sick child. It wasn’t until then that I could finally do what I wanted to do, write. I started then and my love for writing just grew.

2.) How much influence in your life helped you to be a writer?

 You know Brenda; I must have been all of thirteen when I would stand at the kitchen sink doing dishes. Where I started writing, of course I didn’t know I was writing at the time,  

There was a vacant lot next to our house and I would think of a lovely young lady sitting there under a fat Oak tree. Waiting for her young man to come and whisk her away with him on a wonderful adventure. Who knew then I was a romance novelist. Awe… romance!

3.) Who is your all time favorite character in your books?

Now you’re thinking that I’m going to say Kit from The Sixties Girl. Although Kit and I have been through a lot, she’s a favorite in a different way. My all time favorite is from one of my first books called Magical Love. Her name is Margret. She’s very adventurous and full of wonderful magic. She was the most fun to develop and I loved the way she turned out. And when she falls for a Warlock the love and the magic never ends. Yes, Margret is my all time favorite!

4.) What is your favorite scene or line in any of your books?

Here’s a scene from – The Sixties Girl

Brad and Kit walked in front of the windows in New York, looking at all the clothes and just talking. Suddenly, a bridal gown in one of the displays caught Kit’s eye. She stopped cold. “Wow! Isn’t this dress beautiful? She asked in awe.

Brad rolled his eyes and grinned. “A bridal gown…? Of course, all you women want to get married!”

“Well Shelby, you have to remember that when girls are six years old, they start talking about their wedding. They pretend and dress up. They plan their wedding their whole lives, and, of course, a handsome man like you is a great catch.”
He chuckled, “Oh you think so?”
“Now, I didn’t say me, per se, but yeah, you drive a great classic car,” Kit joked. “And, I mean, your looks are so-so, I suppose, but you’re kind of high maintenance.”
“What do you mean high maintenance?” Brad asked, confused.
“You have too many women chasing you because of your money.”
“So, I take it that’s bad.”
“Now, I didn’t say bad,” Kit clarified. “I just said high maintenance.”
“But, high maintenance is bad?”
“Not bad, as much as it is hard work. You always have to be looking over your shoulder to see who’s trying to take your man.”
“Oh, I see…” Brad said. They continued their walk in silence for a little while. Until finally, Brad cleared his throat to say, “So, you wouldn’t consider marrying me?”

His question took Kit by surprise. “Now, I never said that, although I would really have to think about a high maintenance man like you.” Brad chuckled at her silliness.

5.) Which character in your books is most like you? Tell us about her and why she is like you?

The character most like me is Kit from The Sixties Girl.

Kit is independent, tough, would do anything for a friend and loves her man with all her heart. She appreciates fast cars, classic cars. She can not only drive them fast, but repair them too. Kit’s smart, lovely and has a great figure.

Most of everything I mentioned has ties to me and my life. And there are some that I wish I had. LOL! I think all authors put a bit of themselves in every character, some more than others.

6.) When and why did you begin writing?

A little over twelve years ago I started writing. I began to write because of the stories in my head. I know, I know, every author says that, but it’s true. Because once I started putting the stories down on paper I found that I was writing two to three books a year.

7.) What inspired you to write your first book?

Two things inspired me to write my first book. First, I think that I really wanted to see if I could put all those great ideas on paper and finish a whole book. I remember the day I finished that very first book. I closed the journal that contained my book and I cried. That book was definitely a labor of love.

Secondly, my daughter Angie got tired of hearing me say I was going to write a book. So she came in one day with a journal under her arm and she said, “Stop talking about writing and do it.” I started that day and haven’t stopped.

8.) How did you come up with the title?

To be honest Brenda, The Sixties Girl just came to me. I had the title after I wrote the first chapter. It fit immediately. However I do have books that were totally finished before I came up with a title.

9.) Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Yes, I think there is a message in The Sixties Girl. Find the right guy or gal for you. Have fun, talk and enjoy the romance. Because finding the right person is the most important decision of your life.

10.) Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

I’m challenged to write better, more interesting story lines, and to give my characters their own special personalities. I also strive for the reader to see the story exactly like I do. If I can do that, I’ve accomplished my goal.

11.) Have your family supported you?

LOL! Not at first. My husband thought I was crazy with a capital C. Especially because I was fifty years old and wanting to start a writing career. I know he thought I’d lost my mind. It actually took him a couple of years to believe that I wasn’t nuts! However, now he’s my biggest fan and supporter. He tells complete strangers that I’m an author and to check me out on google LOL! He’s happy to help me in any way he can and does.

Other than my husband the only other person who knew I was writing for a long time was my daughter. Only a handful of people knew about my writing after that. Until The Sixties Girl was published! Then I shouted it!

12.) Do you have advice for other writers?

My advice is, whether you are self published or have a big Publishing deal, promote yourself. Be proud of your endeavors, even if you’re not published YET!  Because put downs and rejections are a big part of an author’s life. However, there are good things too. Like getting your book published and seeing people enjoy your work. And making money doesn’t hurt either LOL. So hold you head up high, you’re an AUTHOR! Do what you have to do, face book, blog, twitter, instagram, Pintrest, do whatever you can to make your dream come true. You’ll be happy you did.

A year ago I was ready to give up on this tough career I chose. Walk away from what I love to do, but because of a wonderful lady; who pushed me out of my comfort zone. I was encouraged to keep pushing forward and I find I’m back to loving what I do. I’m an author! That’s what we do! We keep pushing our work!

13.) Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

I want to thank my readers for enjoying The Sixties Girl, for the great reviews and for telling their friends about it.

Authors work hard to bring their stories out and a kind word puts a smile on their faces and I’m no exception.

14.) How many books have you written? Which is your favorite? Can you give us details on what the stories are about?

In the last 12 years I have written 29 books. I am working on number 30.

I write Contemporary, Historical and old world romance. I write about the love of the young and the old. I write about all sorts of romantic attractions. I write about Castles and fair maidens. Of magic that attracts magic. A Polish Princess in New York City, truck drivers who find love in all sorts of places. Even about a car-hop who meets a rich classy guy. Just to name a few.

Which is my favorite? Every one of them!

15.) Can you give us a sneak peek at your current WIP? A blurb or paragraph?

This is a book that I’m hoping to have out soon. It’s called Big 4 Trucking Eye Candy. And yes, it is a romance novel.

Four truckers; Trent, Benet, Bobby and Jimmy started Big 4 trucking. Each partner has his own story and his own special romance.

Here’s a peek at Trent’s story – Eye Candy

Candy hauled off and punched the insufferable oaf in the eye. Right after she kicked him in the shin. The guy was holding not only his eye but his shin as well, when Candy leaned close to say, “I told you if you grabbed my butt one more time I was going to kill you! This is just the beginning; would you like me to continue punching you until you lay flat on the floor? Or, are you going to keep your hands to yourself?”
“Listen Candy it was just a joke. She glared at Willy; who was one of her best customers as if she was going to hit him again.

Thank you for inviting me to your blog for a little talk, Brenda. I hope everyone learned something about me that you never knew before and it was a blast too!

 And thank you for joining us Vicky. I look forward to reading your future books. 

Here is a little Book Trailer to give you a peek into the world of Brad and Kit. 

If you'd like to purchase The Sixties Girl please click on the links below.


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